Video: See-through V8 shows how an engine works

To get the pistons moving, the crank is powered by an electric motor.

The SmarterEveryDay Youtube channel recently put up a video showcasing a perfectly see-through replica of a V8 engine.

The see-through V8 engine belongs to Brian King and is based on a 5.3-litre LS Block from General Motors. As per reports, King bought an old broken-down V8, stripped it off all the metal and rebuilt it using plexiglass.

The replica V8 even comes with working pistons, a crankshaft, lifters, springs, and valves, and also has a functioning oil pump. However, being a demonstrator, it doesn’t get real spark plugs but is instead replaced with tiny lights, which light up during the engine’s power stroke.

Also, to get the pistons moving, the crank is powered by an electric motor. This movement really helps to understand the workings of the engine. It also showcases the true speed of a running engine, the firing order and balancing.

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