Overspeeding the biggest cause of road accident deaths in 2022

4,61,312 road accidents were reported during the calendar year 2022, an 11.9% increase over the previous year.

According to a report published by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, ‘overspeeding’ was the main cause of road accidents in 2022.

4,61,312 road accidents were reported during the calendar year 2022, an 11.9% increase over the previous year. The fatalities went up by 9.4% to 1,68,491 deaths.

As per the report, 71.2% of the total deaths and 72.8% of injuries related to road accidents were caused by overspeeding. Overspeeding-related incidents increased by 12.8% compared to the previous. Deaths and injuries also went up by 11.8% and 15.2%, respectively.

Driving on the wrong side of the road was the second highest cause of road accidents in 2022. Drunken driving and use of mobile phones while driving accounted for 7.4% of the total accidents and 8.3% of deaths.

The number of people killed who were not wearing helmets was 50,029. Of these, 71.3% were drivers and 28.7% were passengers. 1,01,891 people who got injured were not wearing helmets and 42,303 people were not using seat belts.

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