Wheeler Dealers host claims new fuel could be answer for classic car owners

Wheeler Dealers host Marc Priestley has suggested that sustainably produced fuels could herald a “bright future” for the classic car market despite concerns over electrification.

TV star Marc Priestley, affectionately nicknamed Elvis, suggested a rise in sustainable fuel technology could dramatically “transform” the motoring industry.

He warned that if done correctly, motorists could even keep hold of their current models by making small changes.

This would ensure the road infrastructure wouldn’t need to be replaced with expensive electric car technology.

It could also offer a lifeline to classic car owners who have faced being left behind by the increasing rise in attention given to EVs.

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Speaking to Express.co.uk, Priestley said: “Formula One is taking this on board as a technical challenge, putting engineering focus into developing sustainably produced fuels that eventually bring emissions down to as close to zero as we can get them.

“That may take the form of hydrogen or anything else we don’t know. I think it’s an exciting time because those sorts of advancements could transform the entire automotive industry.

“It might mean you could keep the existing cars on the road just by a small conversion to the engine or by replacing the fuel. You keep the existing fuel station network and just repurpose it.

“For me, that is the Holy Grail and if I can get to that point and I firmly believe we will, it means the classic car industry has a very bright future.

“Yes it is uncertain times but it’s also really exciting times and I’m confident that there’s a long bright future for the classic car market to come.”

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Synthetic fuels are created by mixing Hydrogen and carbon dioxide into synthetic methanol.

The format has since been embraced by major manufacturers with Porsche and Ferrari already investing in the new format.

Germany has already confirmed it will allow sustainable fuelled cars to run even past the EU’s 2035 petrol and diesel car ban target.

Greg Smith, Conservative MP and transport committee member has called for the UK to also look into the technology.

However, energy minister Claire Coutinho said the Government were “looking at synthetic fuels” but suggested there were no immediate plans for any changes.

Priestley suggested sustainable fuels could provide an alternative for those not interested in making the electric car transition.

He added: “I don’t think we are in any danger of petrol stations disappearing in the foreseeable future. Even in the mid-long term.

“I think actually the future of this technology is that the fuel that we use whether that is petrol based or something else is going to take some giant leaps forward in terms of advancement into how it’s produced, plus bringing down things like emissions, they have to be.

“EVs are great, both Mike and I have one and we both drive them. They are great for certain cases but they are certainly not the answer to everybody’s automotive problem in the future.

“We can’t cope, we can’t manage the infrastructure to support them, they just don’t work for everybody.”

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