Apple’s new tech helps iPhone users identify their cabs using AR

Apple goes on to state that the tech could also be used for public transportation in the near future.

According to a media report, Apple has patented a new technology that helps iPhone users identify their cabs when using applications like Uber.

The patent technology called “Augmented Reality interface for facilitating identification of arriving vehicle”, tries to solve a challenge when in an urban environment. The tech allows people waiting for their cabs to find the correct vehicle, especially in an environment where there are multiple cars and many other people also waiting on a car.

The tech relies on augmented reality, wherein once the license plate and vehicle information are added to the database, the user can launch the iPhone’s camera and scan incoming vehicles. Once the vehicle matches the information, a notification is received.

Apple goes on to state that the tech could also be used for public transportation in the near future. Stating an example of how a tourist might be able to use the tech to find the right bus or bus terminal.

However, as with any patent, it remains to be seen if Apple will bring the idea into production at any time.

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